Sunday, December 13, 2020

Just skidding!

I stayed in bed late. I had not used the mp3 headphones to get to sleep, nor did I think to try them in the early morning when I woke up. It was almost 9 when I got up. I reviewed my supplement schedule to account for a shorter morning. I took the H2, then brushed my teeth and read e-mail for 15 minutes. I took the second one, then showered and got dressed.

I read e-mail while listening to an interview with Tucker Goodrich on the dangers of too much linoleic acid. Chickens fed corn are high. Buy Omega3 fed eggs, or pastured eggs. Consumption of seed oils leads to the munchies. OmegaVen for parenteral nutrition because it is not made with soy. Omega6 seed oils worsen covid symptoms. After curing himself of irritable bowel disease, he told his girlfriend to avoid omega-6, and she lost 56 pounds and her fibromyalgia went into remission.

I cleaned up spilled bean soup from the stove. I paused the interview to put on a coat and boots. We went to the chapel. The first two songs I knew, but the third one was new. After the service, we stood around talking. The chaplain said there was going to be a load of equipment stored in the fellowship hall next weekend and did I want to hold my class in another room? Chris assured me that arrangements would be made. As we drove home, he took a turn too fast and the car skidded on the snow. My reaction was one of alarm. His reaction was more like “Again!” .

When we got home, I changed clothes, and made breakfast. I ate while catching up on tapping audios. I studied the map of the post and made a plan. I drove to the commissary and parked. I went for a walk in a big circle, covering several streets. I mostly walked in the grass because the road was slick. When I got back to my car, I drove home slowly. No skidding.

I listened to more tapping audios. Then I heated bean soup in the toaster oven and listened to Alison McDowell talk about the data harvesting of children from cradle to grave. She said it is all a big game to the uber rich: tracking and influencing society and betting on the outcomes. My life already feels like a game.

I made my evening drink. I sat with Chris and watched two episodes of RoD. Then I brushed my teeth, and sat down to write my blog post.

* The manger scene at the front of the church. *

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