Monday, December 7, 2020

Bad backs run in the family

We got up about nine. My back seemed to be sort of ok. I took supplements and sat in the recliner with the heating pad reading a book. Around 10 I took a shower and got dressed for church. I was unable to put on pantyhose, so had to make do with footies. Then Chris took his shower and dressed. We put on our coats and got in the car. But in the act of getting in, I pulled my back.

Chris drove us to the chapel. I was able to get out of the car. We went inside and picked up a bulletin and communion packs. We chatted with a few people, then sat down for the service. I was uncomfortable, and had to keep moving how I sat. We sang Christmas songs. The chaplain gave a sermon about Simion. After the service, I remarked about the decorations. The chaplain said he couldn't find any Christmas banners. So I gave some thought as to the feasibility of making some in a short amount of time.

I didn't want to get in the car again, so Chris drove home and I walked. I had on my warmest coat so I wasn't cold, but my feet were not so lucky. I took the shortest route home. I changed my clothes. Chris called his parents and we had a nice chat, particularly about a medical procedure on Tuesday. Then I made and ate breakfast. I listened to an interview on improving brain health through light and vibration. I looked for PVC tee joints from numerous sources because shipping was more than the product. Finally I made a selection and submitted an order. I looked for some other products as well. William called to ask what we were doing for Christmas.

Chris cooked eggs for supper. I ate some of that, plus a piece of leftover fish, and the usual kimchi. I had some seed crackers with a black bean salsa that's really good. I listened to another interview on dementia. When I heard Chris start something on the TV, I joined him there. We tried an episode of Republic of Doyle which is about a family detective agency. Then I made my evening drink and we watched a second and third episode. By then it was 10, so I sat down to compose my blog post. I thought I had shut my phone off for the night, but it rang and Michele was on the other end. Of course I talked to her, and the call went long. Her back is nearly back to normal (unlike mine). Chris went to bed. Finally I had to remind her that I needed to go to bed. She hung up and I wrote this post.

* The church got decorated since last Sunday. *

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