Sunday, December 13, 2020

A snow day

Because of my back, I was uncomfortable all night. I tapped to get to sleep, but kept getting sidetracked by ruminations. I woke in the dark and could not go back to sleep. As daylight came through, Chris got up and went to the kitchen to prepare bean soup. I got up slowly about 8. I noticed snow on the ground. Usually the temp is 20 when I get up, but it was above 20 today, although not by much.

Chris was busy in the kitchen, fixing bean soup, sauteing onions and cutting up ham. I laid in the recliner with the hot pad until it was time to take the next supplement. Then I sat in the recliner reading a book with the HappyLight.

I asked Chris for a massage, but he was skeptical. He agreed to rub my arms and legs, which lasted about 2 minutes while I sat in the chair. I took off the lidocaine patches, and asked Chris to rub an arnica cream on my back. I parsed two weeks worth of supplements while listening to sessions from the Essential Tremor speaker series.

"Thyroid disorder can cause essential tremor. Usually ET is a misdiagnosis. Iodine (too much or too little) can contribute to ET, as can gluten sensitivity."

I made and ate breakfast. I cleaned the counter tops. I refilled some small containers, and changed the jar for fermented coconut milk. I watched videos of 5 top brain tests. But somehow I lost the window with the list before I got to video number 5. I noticed my back pain was gone by 1pm.

Chris packed the cooler while I got ready. We drove to Tooele, listening to the book on CD. I wished I had brought shoes with tread because of all the slush in the parking lots. We went to Luckey's, Melanie's, and the auto store for new wipers. I got worried that Chris was going to be in a bad mood since he struggled to attach them, then got one of the employees to do it. Finally we went to Macey's for the rest of the groceries.

We drove back to Dugway. The CD ran out but I couldn't bend forward enough to get the next one out of the box. We stopped at the commissary, then the post office. And then we went home. We put away the food. I checked e-mail for half an hour, then ate the bean soup that Chris had made. I also had some leftovers that needed finishing off.

I spent some time concentrating on writing a few Christmas cards. Then I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes. I put away my laundry and helped Chris make the bed. I deleted several hundred e-mails, and cropped the pics I took. Then I concentrated on writing my blog post for today.

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