Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas: Damour, party of 2

I used the mp3 headphones last night with Holosync loaded, but I don't think it helped. Finally I turned them off and eventually fell asleep. 7:30 came all too early. We stayed in bed until almost 9. I got up to make lemon water with the last lemon. Then I washed up and got dressed.

I put on Christmas CD's. I wanted to simmer cinnamon on the stove, but everything boils even at the lowest setting. Chris, bless him, noticed the potpourri pot on top of the bookcase. I plugged it in and put in three cinnamon sticks. I put presents under the tree. (They are from other people since Chris and I did not buy gifts for each other. ) Hence, the sights, smells and sounds of Christmas.

I checked e-mail and my phone. I added the words “Merry Christmas” to a picture of my tree and posted it on Facebook. I sipped lemon juice at intervals and read Christmas messages in my inbox and on Facebook. I looked at pics on the Dugway official page. There were pics from the stocking stuffing event and I was in one of them.

We talked to Michele, and then to the Damours who are going to celebrate Christmas next week when Michele can visit. I made breakfast, ate, and read e-mail. I called Faye who said she was going to initiate a family skype call. I called Kurt to let him know an invitation was coming. Chris tried to sign into Skype but Microsoft kept throwing obstacles in his way. I had Skype already open on my laptop. Kurt texted me and I joined in the conversation. We tried to get Michele as well, but she was expecting a Zoom call shortly. So we had a nice conversation among the 5 of us, including Darleen. Kevin was there for a few minutes. Patrick said hello as well, then went elsewhere. I opened the gift William sent. It contained all sorts of interesting origami paper and instructions to make paper items.

Chris roasted vegetables in the oven and heated up the heart. He had been watching The Two Towers and I joined him. While watching the hobbits, I opened the gift from Eileen. It was a golden behive ornament. I hung it on the tree. From the RCMQG, I opened a roll of batting.

We finished The Two Towers and watched Tron. You wouldn't think of them as Christmas movies, Tron, the programs revere the users as gods, and Flynn gets scanned into the computer like a program and he saves all the other programs and the world from the evil MCP (Master Control Program). In Two Towers there were lots of little speeches given by various characters which seem particularly relevant to current events.

I dozed offf several times during Tron so Chris suggested that I just go to bed. I gulped down some magnesium to avert RLS and went to bed.

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