Wednesday, December 9, 2020

..unless it's Wednesday

My mp3 headphones didn't help last night, and they didn't help this morning either. The alarm went off at 7:30 and there was no reason to stay in bed. Not feeling well rested, I got up anyway.

My back was not in good shape, but I could walk around. I modified one of my exercises and performed the rest. I made coffee, I took supplements. I read for 20 minutes, then did meditation and tapping. The meditation did not seem to do much. Also, I heard sounds like a truck was picking up the piles of metal left behind from the demolitions. But none of the piles disappeared.

I cleaned both bathrooms. I put ammonia-soaked cloths inside the hall toilet bowl to soak off the ring. I deleted years of spam messages from my phone. Chris came home late for lunch. He brought me a box from the post office. It contained supplements. I finished cleaning the kitchen and took a shower. He went back to work. I tried ironing more stamps, but inexplicably, today none of them would come off the paper. It was a nice (if really cold) day, so I took a walk around the nieghborhood.

I watched a video clip from the World Economic Forum 2016 on neural technolgies and how they could be used to scan someone's brain to see if they committed a crime (already led to a conviction in India), induce pain, and change or implant memories. Then I watched a video of Dr Pierre Kory, member of Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance. He was speaking to the Senate about Ivermectin, for treatment and prevention. He submitted a host of studies and said he couldn't go on watching people die needlessly from covid.

I watched one interview from the Essential Tremor Speaker Series. I wasn't going to eat, but my brain wasn't working too well, so I heated up leftovers for supper. I got a text from the colonel's wife asking for help on Monday. Lots of people replied, so I guess she sent a mass text. Chris came home from work. We watched Michele gaming with her group on Youtube. The trumpet that usualy plays at 5, played at 6:30. I read messages on my friend's page and on Kevin Sorbo's twitter feed. I looked at data on the CDC's website.

I made my evening drink and sat down by the TV. Chris joined me and we watched two episodes of Republic of Doyle. The trumpet made the 10pm call. I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post. I took the cloths out of the toilet bowl and scrubbed, but the ring was no lighter than before.

* I was looking forward to seeing how these things would be hauled away. But it didn't happed today. *

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