Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Last night I tried to reassemble the CD line-up for meditation morning, but could not find all 6 discs. After making my choices, I went to bed and listened to the mp3 headphones. I fell asleep while the Holosync track was playing, but when it ended and started over, it woke me up. I was not happy about that. I did sleep again later, but then the hot flashes woke me up. I was awake when Chris' alarm went off, when the trumpet played, when he showered and left for work, and when my 7:30 alarm went off.

I got up around 8. I read a book by the Happylight. I prepared for meditation morning. In the middle of it, the doorbell rang. I threw on a housecoat and answered the door. It was the water expert dropping off test results showing negative for 2 kinds of bacteria. I finished my meditation, and took a shower.

While my hair was still wet, I opened a package of clips: one long and curved for the back of the head, and one short and straight for the front. They are about 1.5 inches deep. I used them to cut my hair to that length. Then I cleaned up all the hair and saved it for gophers later.

I got a text from Chris saying I should turn on the router and check my messages. So I did. To complete a periodic maintenance schedule, Housing wanted a time they could come by in the next week or so. So I chose 1 pm. Since Chris also said he would not be home for lunch today, I mopped the kitchen floor and parts of the diningroom and front hall.

I adjusted the CD line-up. I read e-mail until the trumpet played. Then I headed out to the post office. The view of the mountains was so striking that I had to go back and get my camera. After taking a pic, I proceeded to the post office to put up the mail.

When I got back, I read e-mail for a few minutes, then started making breakfast. I ate and read e-mail, finding old messages from Kurt. I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of RoD. I asked Chris to look at the instructions to my mp3 player to see if he could figure out how to stop the replay. I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post.

* ...but sometimes it's better to have the words. *

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