Saturday, January 9, 2021

Shopping day

Last night I slept periodically. I got up sometime after the 8:30 alarm. I squeezed the juice out of a lemon to start the lemon detox for today. I read a book by the Happylight: WTC7 came down in exactly the same way as the twin towers, but no plane hit it. A broadcaster in London reported the catastrophe so early that you could see the towers still untouched in the live-feed background. There were other things in the official narrative that didn't make sense.

I listened to a talk by Jeffrey Smith: Govt approved a GMO pig in Iowa with an antibiotic resistant gene. A gene-edited cow was found to have an antibiotic resistant gene in it, and they killed the herd, but the pig is allowed? The grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of pregnant mice injected with Roundup had the worst outcomes due to epigenetic effects. GMO corn, cotton and soy are registered pesticides because they have BT genes. The crops have enzymes that keep the BT toxin from breaking down during digestion, making it up to 20x more toxic.

I watched “Focus on Fauci”. Lawyer David Martin said the mRNA injection is not a vaccine by the legal definition of vaccines. A vaccine must provoke an immune response and stop transmission. Calling it a vaccine puts it under the assumption of 'safe and effective', but it isn't. Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company. MRNA injection stimulates the cell to become a pathogen-manufacturing site. Fauci owns vaccine patents and stands to make millions.

After I ate breakfast, we went to Tooele. I couldn't think of anything we needed that could only come from Luckey's so we went to Melanie's first. I got nuts and dandelion tea and a seaweed snack. With my reward points I got a cinnamon seed snack. Then we went to Macey's for the rest of our groceries. We listened to the book on CD on the way back.

When we got home, we put away the food. Chris found a package at the front door. It was my new mp3 headphones. I went for a walk around the block for a little daylight. The sun was beginning to set.

I read e-mail, then heated supper. I watched a Dennis Praeger video. He said one contributor to the riot on Wednesday was censorship. People are not allowed to speak their minds on the internet and release the pressure, so they went to the Capitol to be heard. I scrolled through I snacked on seaweed while watching a bit of a movie that Chris was watching.

I read through more e-mail, then made my evening drink. Chris was watching Avatar. I came in at the tail end. When it was over, we watched two episodes of some 1980's show called Voyagers. It was about time travel and fixing history. Then I brushed my teeth and posted to my blog. If I can get Holosync loaded on the player, then I listen in bed.

* I got Holosync loaded, but it isn't playing. *

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