Thursday, January 21, 2021

How many ways can you squeeze a lemon?

I fell asleep wearing the mp3 headphones but I did not stay asleep. A spasm woke me up. Then I did a lot of tapping and visualization to relax it. I don't think I slept again. I may have dozed off, but not for long enough to complete an entire sleep cycle.

I got up about 8:30, pleased that I could get out of bed. I squeezed a lemon, brushed my teeth, and finished a book called Monumental Myths. I had read about the cover-up of how bad Fukishima was (and is), and today I read about operation “Fast and Furious”, where the Obama administration put guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels so the resulting deaths could be used to convince our population that tougher gun laws were needed (as if those laws would affect how many guns the criminals have).

I rinsed the lentils and set them to drip. I looked up different ways to squeeze a lemon and decided to try a new one tomorrow. I chewed up some plantain leaves and applied them to my rash, along with more bentonite. I wrapped up my arm with a plastic bag and tied it with a theraband.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said people who are infected but without symptoms are not giving off enough viral particles to infect other healthy people. Anyone with symptoms should stay away from sick and elderly people. Masking is not good for elderly people. He is elderly and his breathing is compromised by a mask.

I paused the video to call a tapping buddy. We spent about 45 minutes tapping surrogately. Then Chris came home for lunch. I made breakfast and ate it while listening to The Highwire. I also ate a pomegranate.

Later the internet went down, so I grabbed a piece of purple quilt backing, cut it into two pieces and straightenend the long edges. I sewed the edges together to make a backing to fit a quilt top that I made last Spring. I spent some time ironing the fold lines out, with imperfect success.

The doorbell rang, and it was Johnnie bringing me some geode pieces. We had a bit of a chat, and then she left to finish her walk. I finished ironing the backing, then watched the next installment of the 5-day winter garden challenge. I put on a light coat and walked to the post office. There was nothing of note in our box. Then I went home by another route. The trumpet played before I got back to the house. I had to put my fingers in my ears because it was so loud.

Inside the house, I turned on the toaster oven and then filled the Korean bowl with fish, veggies, and seaweed. Then I put that in the oven and read for a while until the timer rang. I listened to an interview with Catherine Fitts while I ate. Chris came home from Mass. I watched some other videos, then made my evening drink. We watched two episodes, then typed up my blog so I could go bed.

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