Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Fake News

I forgot to use the headphones last night. I fell asleep on my own. The trumpet woke me up but I think I dozed off again. When my alarm rang at 7:30, I got up. I made a bottle of hydrogen water and drank it. I juiced a lemon, and added 450 ml of water. I brushed my teeth and read The Power of Now by the Happylight. I drank 50ml of lemon juice and turned on the router. I read some e-mail and listened to talks from The Greater Reset. The talk about survival currency was particularly interesting.

Chris came home for lunch at noon with packages from the post office. One held the pants I ordered. I tried them on to see how they fit. I checked my lentils and noticed that one had sprouted. That means there is hope for the rest. I made and ate breakfast. I hung up the quilt calendar that also came in the mail. Chris went back to work.

I listened to a number of interivews and sorted scraps, picking out the purple ones. Late in the afternoon, I took a walk around the block for fresh air. When I got back, I heated supper, and listened to an interview with Knut Wittkowski, epidemiologist. He says you can't stop a virus, merely direct it either to the young and healthy or to the old and infirm. So locking down the young and healthy was a mistake.

I listened to part of the Fake News awards of 2020, then made my evening drink and sat with Chris to watch a movie called Time Trap. Afterward, I brushed my teeth and went back to the Fake News video. Among the short video clips, was one of Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR test) calling Fauci a liar, incompetent, and didn't know what he was talking about. Mullis died in Fall of 2019 so he wasn't refering to Fauci's views on Covid. A peer-reviewed paper came out later that Fauci must have confused the ifr with the cfr in order to claim that the virus was 10x deadlier than the flu. But none of the mainstream news outlets would report it.

Time to post my write-up and get ready for bed.

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