Sunday, January 17, 2021

Finally, someone who knows what's going on

Last night my mp3 headphones still did not stop at the end, but circled around to play again, waking me up. I took them off and eventually went to sleep. I woke up before the sun and didn't go back to sleep. It occurred to me how much I missed waking up to bird song. Ironically, in Huntsville, the birds sang at midnight and I wasn't feeling the love, as they say. I stayed in bed until after the 7:30 alarm went off, then got up to follow my previous supplement regimen in case the lemon water protocol is causing the rash on my arm. I tried making H2 in the empty beet juice jar, but the cap wasn't tight enough to hold the hydrogen in.

I pulled up a youtube video of birds singing. The video was aimed at a tree stump with seeds on it and a quite colorful array of birds came to eat. Some flitted in just long enough to grab one seed. Others came at length and ate their fill. After all the seeds were gone, another pile seemed to materialize. Not popped into view, but faded into existence to attract more birds.

I read articles, then made and ate breakfast. Chris took my sewing machine over to the chapel. We set up in the fellowship hall, which was full of new tables and chairs in boxes. We don't know what the previous chaplain had in mind when he ordered all this stuff. There certainly isn't much call for it now.

Chris went home and I stayed. I worked on a shuttle block, adding the body and the nose cone. Eileen came with her quilt that she wanted to have the stuffing re-done. Jenni came to chat. We laid out Eileen's quilt and decided it didn't really need batting because it was made of denim. So Jenni took the bunched up batting out. We chatted for awhile, and then she took her quilt home to tie. Jenni made a breathe jar and liked it so much that she wrote down the list of essential oils so she could make several for her home.

I worked on the block a little longer, then packed up and came home. Chris came out to the car to carry the machine inside. I went for a walk around the dense housing area since everyone seems to be gone. It's like a ghost town. Then I headed to the post office and picked up some mail and a package from Swansons.

When I got home, I resumed listening to an interview with a lady who used to be against glyphosate and GMO;s but now she is a farmer and she likes them. But the video got interrupted and I didn't want to start it all over again. So I moved to another interview, with Catherine Austin Fitts. She was in the financial industry and one time assistant Housing secretary. She very calmly explained how the technocrats are executing their plan to blame the virus for ruining the current financial system so they can institute their own, one which no one would want if they understood its ramifications. It was a fascinating and informative interview.

Chris put veggies in the steamer, while I heated fish and seaweed in the toaster oven. I ate my supper while reading e-mail. When the veggies were done, Chris took them out and put jackfruit seeds in. They stayed in until time to watch TV. I listened to an interview about Kennedy's head wounds, I made my evening drink and sat with Chris. We watched a Sherlock Holmes DVD that Chris found in our collection. Afterward, we made the bed with freshly washed sheets. Then I sat down to write up my blog post.

Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts :

Invisible enemies are being used to scare people into allowing a new system of exchange that they wouldn't want if they understood it. They create divisiveness in the population, get all interactions online where they can be tracked. Each bank will have its own central digital currency, so they can turn it on or off at will. PREP act added to corporate freedom from liability. Patriot Act is the concentration and control cashflow act. They want to dramatically centralize economic and political control. Destroying independent income sources keeps people from financing a populist candidate. Global billionaires have increased their wealth by 27%. Covid 19 is the institution of controls necessary to convert the world from a democratic process to technocracy. Thanks to the magic virus, there is no money in Social Security, or the treasury, pension funds, etc. Just as Microsoft can get your computer to download software that gives them a backdoor into your computer and it need updates every so often, now injections will do the same for your body, installing a kind of operating system in the body so they can hook everyone to the cloud. In a world of zero privacy, every bank can shut you off from transactions if they don't like the way you are behaving. It's much like the social credit system in China, including mind control.

This is a trap, but the door hasn't been shut yet. Transparency can still disrupt their plan. This virus is an excuse to inject your body with an operating system and update it as needed. Amazon supplies the cloud for the CIA and other alphabet agencies. They shut down small businesses and put everyone on UBI, which is a control system run through the military clouds. With space weaponry they can put down any rebellion. Slavery is the most profitable enterprise - more than addiction. Technology makes it easier for a small group of people to be in power. The more powerful the tech, the more crazy people can weaponize it. They are very afraid of the general population. It makes sense for them to downsize the population and use robotics and AI. Back when you couldn't go to church, but you could go to riots, 34 of 37 FED bank branch locations had riots. 'Opportunity Zones' are places that big tech could invest their profits so they could avoid capital gains tax. Declare businesses in the zone non-essential and shut them down. Have riots there to burn and damage those businesses. It is now cheaper to buy up all those buildings - that is called disaster capitalism. That makes building out the smart grid around FED branches cheaper. With humans hooked to the cloud, their data will be used to teach robots how to do their jobs. To Mr. Global, humans are just natural resources to be used or discarded as such. As the unseen governance group called Mr. Global, becomes more technologically advanced than the rest of us, there is a growing division. He sees himself as a higher species, and the rest of us like chattel.

Solution: We the population are unwittingly building and financing the prison we will be living in. If everybody stopped banking with JPMorgan/Chase and put their money in community banks, it would be a revolution. Don't help with Operation Warpspeed, don't help the tech guys figure out how to inject nanoparticles into your body and hook them up to the cloud. Don't help big pharma make injections that are poisoning children, don't help big Ag grow GMO food, don't help the gov't institute corrupt health crisis regulations that are really disaster capitalism.

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