Monday, January 25, 2021

Hot water

I did not take melatonin last night, and did not fall asleep while listening to the Holosync track. I took the headphones off when the track was finished and turned them off. I had to fall asleep with no help. But eventually I did.

I missed Chris' alarm, I heard the trumpet play, I listened for Chris taking his shower, but the next thing I heard was the 7:30 alarm. I got up soon after. I beat up a lemon and poked it with a chopstick, then squeezed it. But to get all the juice out I had to cut it in half and press the flesh with a fork, which worked pretty well. I added 225 ml of distilled water, and drank 50ml. I read by the Happylight until time for the next drink. I chewed up a basil leaf and bound it to the rash on my wrist. I turned on the router and searched the house for my computer glasses, with no success. Then I decided to look for places they could have fallen and found them hidden in the couch.

I got an e-mail from Chris that Maintenance was coming by at 1. I worked on catching up with tapping videos. I called Michele, but she didn't answer. At 11, I tapped with C, and she really liked the way I did it. Then Chris came home for lunch. I made and ate breakfast. At 1, I sat down to tap with G, but she didn't answer. Maintenance wasn't here either. I called Michele again and we had a short chat. I had to cut it short because the maintenance trucks arrived outside. Then they knocked on the door. They checked the hot water, said the water was too hot and that might lead to the milkiness. They turned it down and flushed some of the water out, and checked the softner. But the water was still too hot. And the pressure in the master bath was too low. So they went to get a new aerator for the kitchen and a new cartridge for the hot faucet.

After they left, I read articles. I boiled water and poured it down the drains in the sink. I walked to the post office. There was no mail. I opened the swap shop to check out the tables that the chapel dropped off. Then I went home.

I listened to a set of health interviews. I searched for purple scraps for Thursday night. Chris came home, and found me in the sewing room. My timer rang, indicating supper was hot. I abandoned my search and ate supper. I watched part of The Greater Reset. I paused it to make my evening drink. Then we sat in front of the TV. Chris scanned through the Netflix offerings and picked one called Groods. It was an animated movie about a cave family. And pretty funny, too. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

* We had more snow today. *

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