Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Cloudy water

I stayed up too late watching the missing the part of the video. I skipped Holosync, and went to bed. I went to sleep, but the trumpet player woke me. Later my 7:30 alarm woke me, and then the 8:30 alarm. I tapped for wanting to stay in bed, then got up.

I prepared for meditation morning. I made coffee, exercised, drybrushed, etc. I meditated and tapped. I used the new detox protocol, and the Christmas CD line-up. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris came home for lunch, bringing me a package from the post office. He wanted bread, so I filled the bread machine with ingredients. I made lemon water. I vaccummed and took a shower. I sat down to check e-mail and jot notes for my blog.

I started watching live feed from the capitol, then stopped to connect with a tapping practitioner candidate. We tried Facetiming under two browsers, and then Zoom. I had to reboot my laptop, and then Zoom worked. But our time was short. We tapped for a bit on sleep and menopause, then signed off. The live recording from the capitol was now a 4 hour video. I started it at the beginning.

I called Housing to report the cloudy hot water. I watched part of the video. Housing called back, trying to get a tech to test the water. I watched more of the video, and then two guys knocked on the door. One ran the hot water and looked at the cloudiness. But since it cleared up right away, he checked the aerator and replaced it. He thought it was ok but said he could send a tech to test it tomorrow. He explained how the hot water and the water softner worked. The softner recallibrates itself sometimes and it might explain the cloudiness.

I decided I needed to go to the commissary but waited until after the trumpet player sounded. Then I jumped in the car and went. I called Chris from the commissary to see if he needed anything. Milk. Ok, so I got the jug of milk, a jug of distilled water, and three lemons. At the checkout, I tipped the bagger for a service I neither need nor want, but what else could I do? Considering my bill was just over $5, it was a 20% tip.

When I got home, I made and ate breakfast. Chris called Michele and we talked for some time. She asked me to send her an article that I had in an open tab, but rebooted my laptop yesterday had closed it and I could not get it back. So I spent our conversation time looking for it online. Finally, at almost 9, we concluded our chat and hung up.

I heated some water to make chamomile tea. Chris queued up Republic of Doyle. We watched two episodes, or at least I did. Chris had his nose stuck in a book most of the time. Afterward, I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post, hoping there would be time for Holosync tonight.

* Results of a study comparing long-term health outcomes of vaccinated vs unvaccinated people. *

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