Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Guild meeting

My mp3 headphones stopped in the middle of the track and a perky voice said “low battery”. I took them off and had to fall asleep unassisted.

I got up about 8. I made the proper lemon juice concoction. I called Housing to come bait the gophers before they breed. I researched and ordered several pounds of seeds for sprouting. I searched shower filters online and ordered one at the best price.

I read articles. Chris came home for lunch. I watched an episode of TQS, then made and ate breakfast. A man came to bait the gophers. He said the ground was still hard so I might have to call again in a month or two. Myra called and we had a long chat. I cut off a branch of aloe, placed a piece on the rash on my arm and tied a towel around it to hold it.

I continued reading e-mail and articles. I took a walk, braving the cold. Chris had brought in the mail at lunchtime, so I did not go to the post office. When I got back, I put supper in the oven. I started watching a video on planting seeds for a winter garden. When the timer rang, I pulled out supper and started eating. Before I finished, it was time for the guild meeting to start on Zoom. So I left my video feed off until I finished eating. The meeting ran long; about 2 hours. Then I resumed watching the seed video. Afterward, I finished another audio from earlier in the day.

Then I made my evening drink. I kissed Chris on the head and sat in the living room to wait. When he did not come in, I told him I was ready to watch TV whenever he was. He got upset because I hadn't said anything earlier. But we watched two episodes anyway. Then we had an argument which turned into a discussion. I am not certain we settled anything. But it got late and we had to finish up at our laptops and then get ready for bed.

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