Saturday, January 23, 2021

Going in circles to find a ring

I watched a video last night after posting to my blog, but then the electricity went out. So I shut down my laptop and went to bed. Chris stayed up playing his game (on battery power), and then the home power came back on. I fell asleep, but he woke me up when he came to bed and was surprised to find me there. I put on the mp3 headphones and went to sleep. I wish I could say I slept through the night. But I must have rolled over the wrong way, because my back spasmed and woke me up.

I got up close to 8:30 and was able to get out of bed. I rolled a lemon, stuck a chopstick in the end, then squeezed the juice out. Only one seed came out, so that was good, but the squeezing wasn't any easier then if I had cut it in half. Seems like since I started drinking the lemon water, the brown spots on my wrists have mostly faded.

I finished watching the video from last night. They said Bill Gates is now the top owner of farmland in the US. Scary. I looked online for a storage jar clamp ring. I didn't want to buy from Amazon or Ebay, and didn't see much else, or I couldn't tell if it would fit my jar. The current one is disintegrating and I might be unknowingly ingesting a little bit each day. I put my fermented coconut milk in a different jar, but I really like the clamp jar with the rubber ring.

I made and ate breakfast. I told Chris I was ready to go shopping, but he decided to put off our Tooele trip to tomorrow because of my back (which seems to be doing much better today).

I read e-mail, then went to the post office. There was one piece for Chris. When I got back, I researched and ordered a mix of seaweed flakes. I unwrapped the wool pressing mat that was part of the prize for RCMQG. Although initially I thought I didn't need a second one, I realized that this one was thick enough that I could place it on top of my cutting mat and iron without damage.

I watched part of a video series on history told from a different view point. I had ground beef and steamed veggies for supper. I read an article about Hank Aaron, who died at 86, 16 days after being injected on TV. I came across a link to a website that is collecting reports of side effects and death after innoculation reported in social media, in the news, and on VAERS. I was surprised to hear that a number of people got swollen lymph nodes, and tachycardia. The fever, chills and twitching I had heard of before.

Then Chris told me it was 8:50, so I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of RoD. Then I typed up my blog post and got ready for bed.

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