Monday, January 18, 2021

It's a sunny day

We got up around 8:30. I started the regular supplement routine. I read chapters from Genesis by the Happylight. At 10:30 I washed up and got dressed for church. Driving to the chapel, we saw Johnnie walking. When we got to church, we talked to the chaplain. Johnnie asked me how it went yesterday and I told her. Then the service started. The songs were unfamiliar except for one, but the arrangement made it hard to sing anything other than the verses. The sermon was about Joseph and Jacob. Later I thought about Leah and Rachel and wondered how they got along, since their sons didn't.

When we got home, I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail as I ate. It was such a nice day, that I drove to the other side of post and took a walk that let me cross off some streets on my list. While walking, I saw kids playing in the cut-de-sac. It was nice to see kids playing together and having a good time. I wasn't ready to be couped up inside, so I put some soapy water in a basin and washed the front doorway area and hosed down the siding. I had to use a stepstool to reach high enough. The spots came off a lot easier than I expected.

I called Faye and we chatted. Dad declined to talk to me several times when offered. While talking to Faye, I put veggies and tuna in a bowl, added beet juice and slipped it into the toaster oven. After our conversation, I watched the sermon from Faye's church and then the sermon from the Huntsville church service. The timer rang in the middle and I pulled the food out. I ate as I listened. I put the bowl down to sing, and it fell on the floor, soaking the carpet in tuna and beet juice. I spent some time sopping it up with towels, wringing them out, and hanging them up to dry. Even so, I think we'll have to break out the Bissell carpet cleaner.

After more reading, I made my evening drink. We watched two episodes of RoD. I downloaded a new track to my mp3 headphones, then I wrote to my blog and got ready for bed.

* The 'before' pic didn't turn out, but here is the 'after' pic. *

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