Thursday, January 21, 2021

Back in trouble

The mp3 headphones did their magic and I fell asleep. I woke up in the night to visit the bathroom, then went back to sleep. I got up around 8. I made coffee and did my meditation morning exercises. I turned on the CD line-up. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned the bathrooms, then took a shower.

It was good that I cleaned first, because I put my back out reaching for the soap. That limited what I could do for the rest of the day. I finished my shower with ramrod straight posture. I called Chris to come help me get dressed. He was in a meeting, but when it was over, he came home for lunch and helped me put on clothes (something he claims is an unnatural act). I started cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes. Just as Chris was leaving for work, two women and two men came by. The women were checking for appliance numbers. The men said they might not be able to order another filter for the fridge, also said hot water pressure in the master bath was still low and they would call it in.

I finished listening to a short video of Ms. Fitts while I peeled jackfruit seeds. I took the morning supplement regimen in the afternoon. I walked to the post office, and came home with supplements.

Then I sat with a heating pad and listened to an interview with Jay Richards: Lockdowns were imposed even though there is no evidence that lockdowns stop viral infection, (because we never had lockdowns like this before). Now studies show that lockdowns do not work. He told a story about Fauci promoting AZT, which killed the people who took it, but he used it in a study on pregnant women anyway.

I watched the second video in a 5-day series on sprouting. I found some lentils in my sprout box, and followed the video. I talked to Xylana on the phone. I made and ate breakfast for supper. I also ate the jackfruit seeds. I watched a 2-hour long video of people talking about current events. I looked up poltices for rashes and came across bentonite clay. So I mixed some clay with castor oil and applied it to my arm. It was difficult to keep it from getting on my clothes or the chair, etc.

Michele called or Chris called her. Anyway, the conversation turned depressive because she was feeling badly about herself for not being able to find a job. Chris was feeling badly because he couldn't help her. Finally we changed the subject and she seemed better. They are discussing gaming even as I type this. It must be 1am EST, but she isn't tired. I am so when I am done here, I will go to bed.

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