Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Milk on tap

Last night I listened to the Holosync track while laying in the recliner. It was a little more comfortable because I arranged the pillows differently. But not comfortable enough to fall asleep. When it was over, I went to bed.

I should have brought my phone, but I left it by my laptop, where I thought I could hear it through the wall. But no. I slept through the 7:30 alarm and barely heard the 8:30 one. By the time I got up and out to the kitchen, it was 9.

I squeezed the juice out of a lemon and started the lemon detox. I read a book beside the Happylight. I read a few more JFK articles. I wrote the usual monthly checks. I got some envelops for them, but they were stuck shut. So I ironed them until the glue melted.

As I was finishing up, Chris came home for lunch. He called Housing about the hot water not being hot. He ate lunch and just as he was leaving, men came to fix window and heater. They said the heater needed replacing, and they got a window from the empty house down the street. I made breakfast, and watched a video of future.

I checked e-mail, then walked to the post office. Before I got back, I saw the maintenance men park in front of my house. What are the odds that they come during the only 10 minutes I am gone all day? They did not say a word, just went to work. I assumed they replaced the water heater, which is in an exterior closet so they did not have to come in the house.

I rebooted my computer to make sure Skype would work when I needed it. But a lot of my open tabs did not come back. I met a prospective tapping buddy on Skype and we talked for two hours. After the call, I used hot water from the sink to wash some dishes. I was surprised to see it was milky. I let it run for awhile but the milkiness never went away.

I fixed Chris' jeans which he left on my sewing machine. It wasn't a good job, but the belt loops are so hard to sew through. I put supper in the toaster oven. Chris came home from work. I told him about the millky hot water. I ate supper while choosing books and such to spend a gift card.

I made my evening drink, and put some blueberries in a bowl. We watched two episodes of RoD. Then I tried to get some of my tabs back. I wrote my blog post and had trouble getting my blog tab back so I could post it. Then I got ready to listen to the Holosync track again.

* Today's mail *

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