Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Internet of Bodies

Last night I listened to the Holosync track and fell asleep in the recliner. When it ended, I got up and went to bed. I didn't sleep well after that because of hot flashes (or night sweats). Chris' alarm at 5:30 woke me up. And the trumpet player was an unwelcome sound at 6:30.

I got up a little after 8. I washed up and got dressed. I squeezed a lemon for lemon water. I brushed my teeth and swished while reading a book beside the Happylight. After drinking the half cup of distilled water, I turned on the router to check e-mail. I listened to a meditation.

I watched a video on IoB, the Internet of Bodies: wearable and embedded devices to monitor activity, health, etc. They discussed the legal vs health ramifications if an embedded device company goes out of business or is convicted of patent fraud. Can someone steal your ideas from your brain? If the company goes bankrupt, can its database (including your information) be sold to pay debts? Can they sell live function feeds? If your pancreas is connected to the internet (already approved by FDA), and it needs a critical update but you don't have sufficient internet access to download it, what then? Neurostimulators have caused people (through hypomania) to do things they would normally know was unwise when the sytem malfunctioned. Should manufacturers be required to record live ffed in case of accidents? How do you know when your device is malfunctioning, esp if it can affect personal decision-making? What if your user agreement expires? What if the company changes the user agreement, but you don't like the new terms?

At noon I made and ate breakfast. At 1 I signed into Skype and tapped with a new buddy for over an hour. Then I finished watching the IoB video:

Security concerns are not always a priority in the production of IoT devices. They were concerned that pacemakers could be hacked, pacemaker data could be used in a case to show suspect was already in motion. Overheard conversations could be extracted from a cochlear implant. Is third party control of neurostimulators ethical? Cryptographic keys are too long to be stored on the tiny devices. A cryptographic catastrophe is coming. What implant procedures might we be required to undergo to get medical insurance?

About 3:45 I walked to the post office with my largest tote bag, but it wasn't big enough. There were four boxes and one was really heavy. So I carried three home and drove back for the last one.

I played Solitaire while watching a video on wi-fi dangers. Then the electricity went out. I called Chris at work. His power was out, too, but they had a generator. Then the trumpet played Retreat. Not fair! I played the piano until the power came back on. I got on my computer, but the internet itself was still off. And then the electicity went off again. I jotted notes for my blog. I prepared supper and put it in the toaster oven. Just as the internet connected again, Chris came home from work. I ate a papaya and my supper.

I started watching Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It explained that the Nazi war machine was an American business. Rich men financed all parties in the wars. Chris let me know at 8:30 that he was ready to watch TV. I made my evening drink and then we watched two episodes of RoD. Afterward, I finished watching Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. There was much footage of the JFK event that I had not seen anywhere else. It said there were 8 shooters. It followed the President's body to Parkland, and then onto Air Force One and then to the second plane. But the video ended abruptly so I didn't hear the rest of the story. I finished up my blog post and settled in to listen to the Holosync Track.

* Mountains are hard to photograph. *

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