Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cholesterol is now good

I took half a sleep supplement last night, did yoga stretches, and went to bed. I skipped the mp3 headphones because Chris wanted to cuddle. I guess I slept ok, but still wished I could have slept longer.

I got up and prepared for meditation morning by making coffee. I used the light and sound device, but at first it did not work. I thought I had broken it, then discovered that the wires to the headphones and glasses were switched. Whew! I meditated and tapped. When the coffee was gone, I cleaned bathrooms and in the kitchen. Chris came home for lunch, bringing me a box from the post office marked 'Live worms'. But I think it was only the castings that did not arrive last week.

I took a shower, and watched the next episode of the cardiovascular summit:

Cholesterol can be high due to stress or diet. Transfats confuse the body and become inflammatory, which can inflate cholesterol numbers. If cholesterol is high and triglycerides are normal, chances are cholesterol is due to stress, so drugs won't work. If both are high, then its probably carbs. Cholesterol is used by the body to make hormones and cortisol. Statins interfere with that. Your body needs good oils to maintain the nervous system. Not enough oils leads to MS, alzheimers, parkinsons, etc. The doctor takes 1000mg of anchovy/sardine oil a day, 1 T of coconut oil, and black currant seed oil. He uses calcium for fever blisters and poison ivy. Avoid sunflower and safflower oil, only ever eat organic chicken, and pasture raised cows. Mid-back pain can be caused by what you're eating. Most cholesterol is made by liver rather than from the diet. 25% of cholesterol is in the brain. Cholesterol below 160 is on the cusp of being too low. Statins lower LDL, which is a kind of soap. LDL carries fat-soluble vitamins to the cells. HDL carries oxidized fats back to liver. Statins lower CoQ10, and are an antibiotic. Cod liver oil had longest history of studies helping human health. LDL goes up with you lose weight. Can't lose weight with low LDL. To promote autophagy, take resveratrol, EGCg, carvacrol, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, citrus bergamot. High blood pressure is worse for the heart than cholesterol. Eat two farm-fresh eggs a day to lower lipids. Take Vit C and magnesium for heart health. Get out any heavy metals. Body has a 2 to 1 ratio of calcium to mag. Mag is usually deficient. Garlic is very good for circulation. Dice small piece of ginger in hot water, drink and eat - no circulation worries. Cayenne pepper is also good for circulation and inflammation.

The weather wasn't much better than yesterday. I took three gallon jugs of water to the garden. I emptied them into the 5-gallon bucket. I also put in clods of cow dung that were too hard for the rototiller to chew up. I covered it with cardboard and a plastic bag to keep it dry (in case of rain, ha ha). When I got home, I added water to compost pile in the back. Soon after, the emergency warning system sounded. It is loud and annoying. I always wonder why the dogs don't bark at it, but they bark at me if I even open the back door.

I read articles, then made breakfast for supper. I skipped the half a banana and drained a coconut, then smashed it on the floor to access the meat inside. After I ate it, I went back to my laptop. I read a local news station article about deaths in Utah after vaccination. I jotted notes for my blog. I made my evening drink, and we watched three episodes of Community. I finished up my blog post, and got ready for bed.

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