Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Unexpected growth

Last night I took melatonin at the start of watching TV, and then half of the expensive supplement just before bed. I also breathed essentials oils from the sleep jar, and listened to the mp3 headphones. I slept pretty well.

I got up before 8. I squeezed a lemon, and changed the water in all the rooting vegetables. I noticed that the cut-off cabbage end was sprouting! I read a book by the Happylight. I turned on the router and read about Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is entirely free of Big Tech, and does not track your searches. I signed up and tried it out. I did not sign up to be a node, however.

I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch and brought me a package from the post office. I saw footage of nursing home residents being vaccinated against their will, which was unsettling. I listened to a presentation from the Food Sensitivity summit.

It was surprisingly pleasant outside. I moved a couple buckets of rocks to the back yard. I raked a pile of leaves and moved them to the compost pile. I raked some mounds to flatten them. Then I put my tools away.

I listened to something I don't remember now, but I pieced puzzles as I listened. I read an article about J&J planning to test their new vaccine on newborns. Since newborns are not at risk, what parent would hand their infant over for an experimental drug study? How could they determine efficacy on a group that so rarely tests positive or gets symptoms?

I read the manual for the sound and lights system for brain wave entrainment, which I got from ACS yesterday. Retreat did not play at 5. At 5:10, they had a test of the emergency warning system, which usually runs at 4 on Wednsedays. I put food in a bowl in the toaster oven to heat. Chris came home from work. I ate supper while reading articles about the Act of 1871 wherein “The Constitution for the United States” was changed to “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES”, which is a corporation governed by a CEO, the POTUS and somehow replaces the constitution we thought we had, even though it seems to only apply to the District of Columbia. It was repealed in 1874 and then parts of it were re-enacted. Not sure what that was all about. Then I read that Deagle.com is predicting a 70% drop in the U.S. Population by 2025. I was unable to got to that page for more information.

We watched the last Voyagers episode and packed up the DVD to send back to Netflix. Then we looked up one of the characters. Afterward, we watched one episode of Community. I had a splinter in my finger from a tumbleweed so Chris took it out. I brushed my teeth, then sat down to write my blog post.

* I didn't think there was any life left in the heel of the cabbage, but it's sprouting! *

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