Friday, March 12, 2021

The problem with vaccinating during a pandemic

Last night before bed, I took half a sleep supplement and then used the mp3 headphones when I laid down. I think I slept ok until the trumpet played at 6:30. Then I heard Chris take a shower, and later my alarm went off.

When I got up, I saw that it had snowed! I made lemon juice. I changed the water and added minerals to all the plants in my windowsill garden. I sprayed the worms to keep them hydrated. I read a book by the Happylight longer than I intended. Then I read articles and listened to podcasts from my e-mail.

I made breakfast then listened to the Highwire: Eugenio Serbez interviewed Fauci and asked him the hard questions. It really made him sweat. Then G. Vanden Bossche, one of the greatest international vaccine developers, (vaccines are his life's work), wrote a letter to all authorities, scientists and experts around the world to stop the vaccinations because they are dangerous when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. Young people can rely on innate immunity while older people need protection. These 'vaccines' are not the right weapon for this fight. They are prophylactic vaccines which need to be used BEFORE exposure. They don't prevent infection, just disease (symptoms). Pandemic mandates are giving the virus time to escape. The virus can and will invade while your body is busy building antibodies to the vaccine. Because defenses are not fully formed when infection hits, the virus learns to adapt. It can mutate within 10 hours. We no longer have a good match with antibodies to current variations. This is driving immune escape and resistance to the vaccine. If you don't kill all the virus right away, the survivors mutate to a resistant strain. Antibodies appear after the virus is shed, and they are moderate and short-lived. Antibodies are not responsible for elimination of the virus, they are just the clean-up crew. There is increasing evidence that NK (natural killer) cells kill the cells that are replicating the virus.

We have gone to war without understanding our enemy. We don't understand the weapon we have created. It creates long-lived antibodies with high specificity for the virus that outcompete our natural antibodies. Natural antibodies have broad specificity, and so they work against variants. Immunizing is like installing new software on your computer. It will be recalled every time you meet a new coronavirus, creating the highly specific antibodies which compete with the natural ones.

He is worried about a global issue. Mass vaccination helps the virus gain function, becoming a killer, turning millions of people into a gain-of-function laboratory. Mandatory vaccination is detrimental on an individual level and a societal level. We are turning people into asymptomatic carriers with long-lived supression of their innate immune system, against any variant. You are left with no back up immunity other than the specific one you were vaccinated for. All while highly infectious strains are circulating. We have not seen all these variants pop up with previous viruses because immunity was low enough that the virus didn't need to escape. Variants are coming from Africa, Brazil, and UK where the vaccine trials were conducted. Infection curves are not being properly analyzed. He fears for his children and future generations.

Israeli gov made a compact with Pfizer to vaccinate their entire population. There was no informed consent, and no risk-benefit analysis. No tracking of adverse events. A human rights group formed, but they are being censored.

I put some ginger in a bowl of warm water. Then I took a walk to the gardens to make sure everything was ok there. When I got home, I watered the compost piles. I planted the ginger in a used salad container in the dining room. I watched Dr. Sherry Tenpenny talk about the 10 ways an mRNA vaccine could damage the patient.

I put some bok-choy in the steamer. I used the light and sound device for about half an hour, then had supper. Chris came home with a box of pizza, probably left over from lunch. I took some more notes: Lung size and function is correllated with longevity better than blood pressure or cholesterol. I made my evening drink, and put away the rest of the bok choy. Then we watched three episodes of Community. Chris nearly fell asleep. I typed up my blog and we got ready for bed.

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