Sunday, March 7, 2021

Getting the garden started

I took half a sleep supplement, and listened to the mp3 headphones in bed. I slept just ok. I got up around 8:30 and juiced a lemon before realizing that Sunday needs a different schedule. I went to the alternate one and put the lemon juice in with the tea. I used the MindPlace device on a trance setting. Then I read the Bible. I was wondering which of Joseph's sons the story would follow, but it turned out to be the end of Genesis and the start of Exodus and the story of Moses.

I got dressed and checked e-mail. After Chris got ready, we drove to church. Since it was the first Sunday of the month, we picked up little communion cups with crackers at the table by the front door. Chris loosened the top cracker part. Then we talked with others until the service started.

After the service, I talked with Eileen and then Rusty. He said he'd be at the gardens later. Chris left at noon to game so I had to walk home, which was no biggie. When I got there, I started making breakfast. I ate it while listening to something, then changed my clothes, and put a shovel in the back seat of my car.

I drove to the community gardens. There was a man there working on his plot. I watched him struggle to use the tiller as I raked my plot to remove last year's dead stems. I decided that tilling (for me) might be a bridge too far. Rusty showed up with his daughter and another man. They got shovels and wheelbarrows out of the shed and proceeded to fill the barrows with dry cow manure. So I got the last barrow and used my own shovel to fill it. That was a mistake because I could barely move it. But I got it to the garden and spread it, then went back for more. This time I did not fill it as full. With a third load, I was finished. Rusty asked if I wanted to use the tiller but I told him it was too much for me. So he did it for me. I thanked him and he went off with the other man. I raked my garden flat as much as I could without stepping on it. Then I put away the barrow and rake, and took my shovel home.

I called Dad but no one answered. I added some food scraps to my compost pile and some to the worms. I checked e-mail until Faye called. I talked to her and to Dad. Dad said he hasn't started his garden yet. Chris made onion soup so I had that for supper while doing puzzles. I listened to an interview on Quortal. I looked up how to buy qort on Discord, but did not find the kind of instructions I needed.

I made my evening drink and we watched three episodes of Community. It is surprisingly good at times. Then I wrote my blog post and might have gotten ready for bed ( or listened to something first).

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