Wednesday, March 17, 2021

More sprouts

No supplement last night, only stretches, and left nostril breathing. I forgot to turn the air purifier on. It took me over an hour to fall asleep, but then I slept well, so well that I wanted to go back to sleep when Chris got up for work.

It was after 8:30 when I got up. I made hydrogen water and took a bromelain capsule. I made coffee and checked all my sproutings for proper moisture. I relaxed during a session with the MindPlace device. Then I swished with coconut oil, drybrushed and exercised. I turned on the CD player and had meditation morning.

Afterward, hyped on caffeine, I cleaned the bathrooms, vaccuumed here and there, then cleaned the stove and counter tops. I washed dishes and the sprout containers. I also disassembled the Berkey and washed all its parts. I put them back together and filled it with water. Then I took a shower.

It was a beautiful and I was glad to finally be ready to go outside. I took the long way to the post office, and then found there was no mail. I went home. I tried to run Qortal, but my OS was still not allowing it.

I put a celery bunch in water to start sprouting. I was going to juice the stalks but decided to wait until tomorrow. I wrote cauliflower on the grocery list so I can try that next week. I watered both compost piles. I called William, who I hadn't talked to in a while. Then I made breakfast. Chris came home from work. We had a discussion about current events. I checked my e-mail and came across the word 'shimbarin'. I tried to find a translation for it, but with no luck.

I turned my attention to articles in e-mail until almost 9. Then I made my evening drink and we watched one episode of Lupin. Then I read a few articles on growing vegetables from food scraps, and some e-mail, before concentrating on my blog post. As ever, I am eager to go to bed, although I will probably be awake for some time.

* Here's the bok choy. *

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