Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Last night I did not take a sleep supplement, but I did all the other usual stuff. The mp3 headphones cut out early. I guess they were not as charged as I thought. Eventually I fell asleep and slept well. I got up around 8, with music in my head but it was not Reveille.

On my way to the kitchen, I notied that the worms were escaping. Some were still alive, but others had dried out. I put them back, and left the light on to encourage them to stay hidden. I made and drank lemon water. I read a chapter or two. I used the Mindplace device. Then I turned on the router, and looked up escaping worms. One person told a story about 2000 worms trying to escape from a worm bed in the bathroom at Chrismastime when the in-laws were there. That made me smile. The problem was condensation on the inside of the lid. So I moved the lid off to the side a little bit and turned off the light. I also added some shredded paper.

I spread castings on all the potted plants indoors. I brought in the tomatoes that were outside being freeze-dried. I cut up some celery and put it out for the same experiment. I recharged my headphones with a different cord.

About the time Chris came home for lunch, I made and ate breakfast then meditated. I read about fungus gnats and watched several vides. I sprinkled diotomaceous earth on the soil in each pot.

I watched Brad's bonus audio 2, then walked to the post office and the swap shop. Eileen wanted a cow but I did not see one there. I put corned beef in the oven to heat. By the time it was done, Chris was home for supper. I watched more videos on growing mushrooms and cilantro, and building self-watering systems.

I watched an NTD newscast. They talked about the crisis of illegal immigrant children at the border and the press is being turned away. Millions of illegal immigrants have social security numbers and will receive stimulus checks. Michigan health department was taken to task for making false claims about vaccine safety: FDA approved a covid-19 vaccine (none are approved, only authorized for emergency use), they passed through the same threshholds of research and testing as previous vaccines (“Factsheets for Recipients” states that the vaccines have not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-appproved or cleared product.), they are proven to be “100% effective in preventing hospitalization and death” ( The FDA said “a larger number of individuals at high risk of covid-19 and higher attack rates would be needed to confirm the efficacy of the vaccine against mortality.” And there were participants in the vaccine arm of each trial that were hospitalized. )

It was almost 9 when I made my evening drink. I took ornaments off the tree while Chris got ready. We watched 4 episodes of In Search Of... Then I brushed my teeth and swished while typing up my blog post.

* The tomato seeds have sprouted. *

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