Monday, June 7, 2021

5th generation trombone player

I got up late. I took a shower and got dressed. Coming out to the kitchen, I checked the pot. Finally the pot was clean. After repeated scrubbings with dishsoap, then baking soda, then vinegar, and several soakings of polident, the burnt sweet potato had finally came off.

I stripped the bed and did laundry. I washed the dishes in the sink and refilled the fermented coconut milk jar. I wiped surfaces here and there. I plugged in the router. I sat in the front porch to enjoy the morning, but the dirty house made me get a bucket of soapy water to wash it. I washed the siding along the front porch and the windows. I scrubbed two of the three wooden posts.

I ate breakfast, and went through old papers. Patrick helped (?). I called Faye, who was on her way. I went through another pile of papers. Faye came over. I showed her the old stock certificates I found last night. While going through the books, I found a Jeppeson CSG computer (just a plastic circle with card through it that had concentric circles on it.) I finished looking through the books and marked some with my name.

Faye agonized over how to sign the car titles. I looked it up online, and then we signed them. She called Asha and that took a long time so I went through stuff. I ate some veggies for supper. William came over. I watched her and William go through the computer room. There were some quilting templates so I took those. We came across a pic of my great grandfather in a band, with a note that he was either one of the trombone players or one of the baritone players. If he was the trombone player, then Michele is a 5th generation player.

William pulled out a 286 PC from under the desk. We called Kurt to see if he was interested. He wanted it if Kevin didn't. Chris had called so I called him back. He said there were high winds there in Dugway and a tree fell on the power lines. Part of the base was without power.

Finally Faye left. William became talkative. I kept hinting how late it was. When Karen called, he left. I typed up my blog post for the previous day, turned off the router and went to bed. It was well after midnight.

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