Monday, June 14, 2021

The second thumbdrive


I slept in late, annoyed that the phone alarm is so loud but the ringing for calls is so quiet. I washed up and got dressed. I half-packed my suitcase. I consolidated boxes of donations to make the room easy to sweep. Patrick came in, promised to clean under all the furniture. I swept the master bedroom and bathroom. I swept under furniture in the master bedroom because I wanted to find whatever might be there before Patrick did.

I ate breakfast, then went to the bank. I cashed in Dad's CD and converted it to a checking account. I needed social security numbers for beneficiaries. The agent was very personable and gave me a hug afterward. I went home to get the numbers and call her back.

William came over around lunch time. He took more of his stuff from the front hall closet. He offered me some movies from his collection. We looked at family quilts and he took one. Patrick left to get his hair cut and was gone all day. I called Chris and Michele to get the numbers, then called the agent to give them to her.

I went through some drawers of clutter, and a bag of papers and sheet music. Faye came over. We talked, then she went out to get supper while I talked to Chris about checking in with Delta. It turns out he had already checked me in. When Faye got back, we ate supper. Michele called to say she would come over tomorrow at 8. I talked to Faye until Patrick came home. He carried the Compaq 286 out to her van. We went through some drawers, and then Faye left.

I found a second thumb drive near Dad's laptop. I stayed up way too late looking at the old photographs and reading some of the files. I copied some of Dad's files from it to my laptop. I jotted notes for my blog and then went to bed.

* An old pic of us playing together *

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