Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Old pictures

I got up when the alarm went off, even though I didn't want to. The headphones were still on so I turned them off and plugged them in to recharge. I drank a cup and a half of water, then juiced a lemon and set the timer to ring at 8. I picked up a gallon of water that had been sitting out since yesterday and watered all the potted plants. I left it on the front porch for the second watering this afternoon. I checked the gopher trap. It was unsprung, but there was a mess on the lawn which I suspected was a gopher. Why didn't the attacker eat it?

I drank the first round of lemon juice and added to my blog draft for yesterday so it will be ready to post tonight. I spent the morning digging up gopher mounds and trying to bury all the dirt. Around 10:30 I came in and read e-mail for awhile.

By noon I was having breakfast. Afterward, I called Beverly and we had a lovely chat. I looked through a box of old pictures. Then Faye called. We had a nice chat too, though more business-like. She is trying to schedule a biopsy. I watered dry parts of the lawn as I talked to her.

Then Chris came home. He heard me talking to Faye as she griped about the self-evaluation she had to finish. That just lit him up like a Christmas tree. He was in his element. He expounded upon metrics and leadership and management systems. After the call, he kept going and I sat there politely listening. I ate the last of the mushrooms and beef cubes as we talked about the possibilities ahead of us. I also ate a dandelioin leaf without the center vein.

I went out again to water the irises. Then we watched several episodes of Quantum Leap. It took quite a while because Chris kept pausing it for one reason or another. Finally it was over and I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I posted to my blog for Monday and jotted notes for Tuesday. My stomach was hard again and I had to wonder about that dandelion leaf. I went to bed.

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