Thursday, June 17, 2021

of Weeds and wood chips

I heard the back sprinklers come on just as Reveille played. I stayed in bed until after Chris left. I got up at 7:15. I used the second urine test card. Then I washed up and watered all the plants. I turned my attention to the blood spot card. It was much harder to get 20 good blood spots. Then I finished the test paperwork, but could not print it out. I plugged in the desktop (which controls the printer), but it did not come on. So I typed it into my laptop and e-mailed it to Chris. I called Maintenance and asked for the gophers to be baited.

I listened to an interview. He said the Pfizer shot has 3x the dose that Moderna has. I made and ate breakfast. Chris brought home printout, but I had already sealed the package. I cut a small hole to insert it, then had to cut bigger hole to put in the check I forgot to add. Chris put the now dry mower in my trunk. I read e-mail for awhile, then walked to the post office with checks and the test package. When I got back, I saw Faye had called, so I called her back. As we talked, I looked out the back window and saw the thermometer read 138.

I went to Self Help and returned mower. It was still dirty even though we had sprayed it off. Probably it collected dirt from the wind overnight. A man took it out of my trunk for me. I asked the lady at the window how I could check one out for a week. She said come back tomorrow and ask the regular guy.

I went by the garden, hoping to find some plants that someone had advertised on the local Facebook page. Nope. I turned on the water to my soaker hose. The garden had weeds, which surprised me because I had covered it in cardboard and wood chips. So I spent some time pulling weeds. It felt good, so I did not stop at 5 to attend the RCMQG meeting. When I got home at 6pm, my car thermometer read 103. I changed clothes. Chris heated fish in the toaster oven for me. I watched some informational videos. I read about waffle gardens in the desert.

I dozed off watching Lucifer with Chris. We only watched one episode because Chris was still tired from the fun run. I dozed on the couch until after midnight then roused myself long enough to get to bed.

* The good old days *

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