Thursday, June 24, 2021

Be careful what you wish for

I got up early so I got a head start on meditation morning. I made coffee and watered the plants. I turned off Chris' wi-fi. I exercised, tapped and meditated. I made spice mix. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I mopped, vacuumed, and showered. I laid out in the sun for a few minutes. Chris came home late for lunch, but not to eat. I am not sure why he came home.

I listened to “This Week with Mary and Polly”: Dr. Bridle says the covid vaccine is not behaving like other vaccines, should stay at injection site, but isn't. And we shouldn't have chosen the spike protein as the antigen for the cells to produce. The spike protein IS the most dangerous part of the SARScov2 virus. Pfizer did not use the mRNA that is in their vaccine for the studies that they submitted to the EMA. There was no genotoxicity info provided to the EMA. 3000 e-mails to and from Fauci were released under FOIA. They show conspiracy to discredit the evidence of lab origin. Self-spreading vaccines are ones that can be transmitted from vaccinated people to unvaccinated people. This has been done in rabbit populations. Unvaxxed people are reporting sickness and menstrual issues after close contact with vaxxed people. US is spending many billions of dollars on vaccine research, distribution and combatting vaccine hesitancy. We have never seen such spending on vaccines before. Newly-sworn-in science adviser to Biden wants next pandemic vaccine to be ready in 100 days. Plug-n-play vaccines will not be required to go through clinical trials since the RNA technology has been tested. Cuomo told school nurses that kids are a captive audience. If the nurses get all the kids vaccinated, then the nurses can have the rest of the day off. U.S. has 10 other reporting systems besides VAERS (which captures an estimated 1% of adverse events and deaths) but that info is not being released to the public. Airline attendants are being highly incentivized to get vaccinated, but the pilots association agreed it is not necessary for pilots.

I looked for an online training course for house cleaning (as Rusty suggested). The closest thing I found was a MerryMaids training video showing how they clean. Then I looked up videos on how to get stains out of a toilet bowl, and mineral spots off of a shower faucet. The first one takes some bad ass stuff, but the second one is fairly easy with a brillo pad or steel wool. Sadly I ended up with a tiny piece in my foot. Chris took it out.

I transplanted two of the ginger plants into another container so they would have more room to grow new roots. Then I drove to a location near the garden. I went to plant one of the sugarcane segments that never sprouted. I also fertilized the plants already there. But the water timer had a low battery reading. Yikes! Did they get watered this morning? I drove home and got some new batteries. I went back to install them. All went well.

I went home and got a plastic bag. I started to walk around the sidewalks looking for dog dung. But as I was passing my neighbors house, she came home from the pool with her granddaughter. We had a nice chat and she promised to bring me some dog dung. I went home, made my evening drink and we watched Warehouse 13. I kept an eye on the sprinklers to see what they were doing to the flowerbed. Then the doorbell rang. Our neighbor handed me a bag of dog droppings. We talked a little longer and she went home. I sat down with Chris and we finished watching Warehouse 13.

Afterward, I jotted some notes for my blog and posted for yesterday. He went to bed and later I did the same.

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