Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ain't got no sole

We got up late. I watered the plants. I read my book outside for 30 minutes, then inside because it was so good I could not put it down. But when I, heard Chris shaving, I closed it, washed up and got dressed for church. I waited for Chris then went to the chapel. We got there just in time to say a few words and sit. As usual, we sang three songs. I actually knew two of them. I listened to the sermon which had a lot of emotional triggers: honoring father and mother. We had communion at the end. Then after the service, there was fellowship among the 10 of us that were there.

Chris and I went home and changed clothes. I made breakfast, and listened to interviews. Chris made topping for brownies using coconut cream. It was white until he put in vanilla. After covering the brownie, he added raspberries and blueberries for a red, white and blue effect. I watered the outside plants again, and fixed up yesterday's blog post for tonight. I planted some peppers in the flowerbed and covered them with netting because something ate all the leaves of the beets seedlings from yesterday.

I put on white shoes to go with my red shirt and blue shorts. We brought rolls and the dessert over to Johnnie's house. Brian had chicken and ribs on the grill and smoker. Johnnie nuked the corn, and heated the rolls in the oven. Then we sat outside and ate at their picnic table. It was lovely.

At least until we finished the meat and corn and beans and rolls and potato salad. Then a wind/sand storm blew in and we had to pack up all the food and bring it inside. As we talked, it also rained briefly. We had dessert, and Brain showed off their Roomba. The sole of my left shoe fell off. We said goodbye and took the dessert and rolls home. Along the way, I found my right sole which I hadn't known was missing. So I texted Johnnie to let her know.

We put the food away. I watered compost pile, and read e-mail. Then I heated water to make tea. We watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. Then we got ready for bed.

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