Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Charging didn't work

I got up about 7:45, made lemon water. I read outside for half an hour. It was cooler than it has been for awhile. I read e-mail for hours. At noon I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch with lightweight box. I laid outside in the sun on the new lounger. The black metal armrests got quite hot.

I looked up DIY flowbee ideas, and took pics of what I found. I cleared old unread messages, moving some to separate files. I did some tapping.

I put the battery in the mower and tried to use it, but the power was way down. I sent a message to Brian. He said he would come over with a battery tester. I practiced my trombone until he got there. He tested the battery, and it had 23 volts. He used it in the mower and tested it again. It was down to 22 volts. He also adjusted the sprinker that wakes me up in the morning and douses everything on the back porch.

It started to rain so he went home and I plugged the battery in and put up my car windows. For supper, I had corn and egg salad and a green salad. While I was eating, Chris came home from work. He called his family while he fixed his burritto.

I looked through trombone music for something suitable as a duet. I scanned some lines of a score into the desktop computer and tried to piece them together and print them out. But the staff lines were spotty. I made a file and sent it to Chris.

I read a little more e-mail, then made tea and we watched two episodes of Warehouse 13 on a DVD. Afterward, I got ready for bed, then sat down to compose my blog.

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