Friday, July 9, 2021

No new mounds

I got up a little after 7:30, not having heard the alarm. I squeezed a lemon, then took a shower and wiped down the bathtub. I brushed and swished. I knocked down the bird's mud from the door way. I checked the gopher trap. Unsprung, but no new mounds. Maybe it was the dog droppings I put in a nearby hole yesterday. I watered all the plants and took out the food waste. I got a msg from cc company asking if we made certain charges. I called Chris and the company. He disputed the charge by Holiday Inn Express.

I made breakfast, and started listening to The Highwire. They were talking all about Fouci and his sordid past. Chris came home for lunch, then went back to work. Rusty came by and gave me cash for helping to clean the house on the hill. I finishsed watching, and checked e-mail. William called to say he was home from the hospital. I got the chocolate off the strap to my computer case by soaking it in cold soapy water and hanging it out to dry. I soaked my foot in epsom salt water. I needled my toe but nothing came out. But it didn't hurt any more so maybe something did come out.

I went to the garden with some seedlings. Another sprinkler was going and prevented me from digging a hole. I noticed that the sprinklers were attached to long hoses from some of the first gardens. There was a big hole with a broken pipe dripping water. I concluded that the drip systems were not working and someone had installed these sprinklers to address the problem.

I went home and called Chris. Then I filled some gallon jugs and went back to water my plants. I dug some holes and planted some seedlings. A man came over from his garden and told me all about what happened and that it should be fixed this weekend. He told me a lot of other things, too, which made me think he didn't know who I was married to. I did not enlighten him.

I watered my plants and went home. Chris had cooked me mushrooms. We chatted for a long time. Then I made my evening drink and we watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. I got ready for bed.

* the birds are persistant at trying to build a nest. *

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