Saturday, July 3, 2021


I watered the plants, and read a book outside. I fixed up the supplement spreadsheet, filling in empty spaces. I had trouble getting the old desktop to boot, so I sent the file to Chris. I read e-mail, then posted an announcement for class. I made green mix, and took roots from the freezer. I made tea and breakfast.

Chris came home with copies of the file and the new gopher trap. I watched the Highwire. They talked about Fukushima. Then I picked up tumbleweeds and put them in a garbage bag. I looked at gopher trap videos, and cleaned up a mound, then set the trap. I cleaned up another mound and heard the trap snap shut. I looked over to see it moving back and forth. I pulled the trap out and a live, pissed off gopher was attached by one leg. I wasn't sure what to do. Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Well, that person never showed up, so I rocked the critter to sleep so it wouldn't suffer any more. I sat on the back porch and crushed the tumbleweeds. A brigade of firetrucks paraded around base, with the commander waving from the front vehicle.

Chris came home from work. We changed clothes and walked to the gym. Outside there were activities. I talked to the fire chief. Then we went around back and sat at a table. We talked to a few other people. Johnnie and Brian came for awhile. Mostly I sat while Chris talked to the Germans or stood in line to get a burger. A band called Article 15 played. Then they took a break. Some kids danced. There was a hotdog eating contest, and a halopeno eating contest. And a pinata for the younger kids. Chris brought me to see Mindy who is in charge of the community garden this year. She is using rubber snakes to keep gophers out. Petra told me that sends out produce every week. I met Mike A and he challenged me to a game of chess. We had to wait for the other players to finish. Then we had a nice game, but he was a more experienced player so he won. A group of soldiers from Germany were here to practice preventing chemical and biological warfare. I am not certain what that entails, but if they told me, they'd probably have to kill me. Anyway, Chris introduced me to two of them and I did my best to make conversation.

I was hungry and it was after nine, so we walked home and I got something to eat. I was exhausted. Then we drove to the parade field just in time for the fireworks. They were excellent! And just overhead, so that I wanted to lie in the grass and watch. But I didn't. After they were over, the garrison manager came over to say hi. We talked a bit, then he and Chris went to the firetruck with the bucket in the air to scan for sparks. But none were found and the bucket came down. When Chris came back to the car, we went home. I stayed up long enough to write down what happened today and post for yesterday.

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