Friday, July 9, 2021

The water is out

I got up just before the alarm went off, not sure what protocol to follow. I drank some baking soda water. I made coffee and exercised, etc, with watering plants thrown in. I had to rush meditation morning a little, then cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen.

I stopped early to go up to the house where Rusty said the insection team would be early. But no one was there. So I went down to the last turnoff and parked. I watched the road as I wiped down my dashboard with the wet cloth I brought to wipe up anything the inspection team found. When a black truck passed me, I drove back to the house and parked. It was the inspection team. I waited until Kristen arrived and went in with her. The inspection team took pics of everything. I mentioned some things that needed to be repaired. Then I talked with Kristen until the team decided everything was ok. Inspection lady told us about all the break-ins in her house and now that her neighbors moved, the break-ins stopped. Kristen signed papers and we left. She had to go to Housing to turn in the key.

I went home. I jotted notes for my blog. Faye was on Facebook so we texted back and forth. They took her swollen node out and sent it to a lab. Then the doorbell rang. CJ brought me a dozen eggs. They were $2 and I did not have change so she put it on my tab. I'll have to get some ones. Happily, some are duck eggs!

Chris sent me a weather report with excessive heat warnings with temps of 107. I vacuumed, then watched a presentation on tapping. There were also some interviews. I watched a movie called America Rewritten. I listened to Polly and Mary talk about current events.

Chris came home from work and fixed himself a turkey burritto. I talked to him, watching him prepare food, the decided I needed to leave since I don't eat on Wednesday. I went outside to move the gopher trap. I planted a tomato and a cabbage that Chris started from store-bought, into the flowerbed. I took the last two eggs from the store and went to the garden. Because the garden next to mine had a wide sprinkler on, I had to dig the holes while dodging the spray of water. I planted a melon of some kind and two cucumber seedlings. I fed all the plants from the 5 gallon bucket, but when I went to refill the jug, there was no water. Grrr.

When I got home, I made a cup of Nighty Night tea. We watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. I posted to my blog, read another article or two, and completed the bedtime ritual. I slept well and did not need the headphones.

* Some of the seedlings that got planted *

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