Monday, July 19, 2021

Quick, Dorothy, grab Toto!

Sunday - I wore my sleep mask, and used the headphones, but the battery died before the music was done. I could not find my towel. After I fell asleep, I dreamed that I let someone give me the shot and I couldn't figure why I had done that.

In the morning, we got up around 8. I watered the plants and read outside, I read e-mail and listened to a podcast by Dr Mccullough: he said the proper safety measures for vaccine rollout have not been put in place by the CDC and FDA. The vaccine program should be stopped, or at the very least, no one under 30 should be vaccinated.

I washed up and got dressed for church. Then we went to the chapel. Only the assistant was there. A few people came at the last minute. The chaplain was out of town so Chris gave the opening prayer. I took a pic. Then music and lyrics were provided by the internet. Chris sang along. Then we watched a recording of the chaplain giving his sermon. Another song played and church was over. We stood around talking for awhile, then went home.

We changed clothes. Chris fixed his lunch and I fixed my breakfast. He sat down to game with the voices, but too many voices were missing so the game was called off. I ate breakfast and read e-mail. One speaker talked about agency malfeasance, how helpful early treatment is but FDA would not fund studies of early treatments.

Chris cooked the corn I bought at the farm stand. I ate two cobs even though I wanted all four. I went outside to dig up a gopher mound. I decided to use the trap from a previous mound. But when attempting to move the trap, I realized there was a live one caught in it. Chris dispatched it for me. I moved the trap to another mound on the other side of the house.

A freak storm blew in suddenly. I ran inside. Everything was dark and stormy. Soon it was over, but branches were down all over post. I made and ate a salad. The Damours called, so we talked. I walked to the garden and watered the plants at the end of the line (soaker hose). Then I walked back, going around the corner so that I ran into Jenni who was walking around the school block. We walked it together and then some, chatting all the way. Finally I was back where I started so I headed home. I was passing Kristen's house as she came home, so I stopped to talk to her. We talked so long that her husband came out. Then the three of us chatted for some time. Finally we all went home.

It was almost 9 and Chris was wondering where I was. I made tea and we watched one episode of Quantum Leap. Then we talked about a lady on post who needs help with her rent. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

* Chris is making opening remarks for the service this morning. *

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