Monday, July 19, 2021

Sewing Day

Saturday - I got up at 7:30, and drank baking soda water. I made lemon water, and drank it roughly every half hour. I washed the dishes in the sink. I put the cold eggs from yesterday in the steamer for 20 minutes. Then I put them in ice water. When I peeled them, it was not easy, but better than yesterday. I put them in with the red beets. Then I watered the plants in zones 2 through 5. Zones 1 and 4 are mostly seedlings. It is probably too late for them to mature before first frost.

I read outside for half an hour. Then Chris gave me a massage. I pulled fabrics for the project. I took a shower, then made breakfast. I watered zone 1, then ate breakfast, and checked e-mail. I put together materials and tools for the project.

Chris put the machines in the car, and we went to the chapel. He helped me set them up, then he went to the commissary. I threaded the machines and laid out materials. The CSM came, then the lady with two girls, and Jenni, then Diane. Three of them made the project and the others had their own project. The girls called theirs slices of pizza. I met the lady's new son, Jedidiah. CSM asked me to embroider names for quilts that she's making. Saronna and I talked about playing music together.

Jenni helped me pack up. I went home, stopping at the post office for mail. I read some e-mail, then dealt with the new gopher mound and set a trap. Chris cooked ground pork for supper, and I made a salad. I listened to a podcast on dowsing for animals. I took out one container of food waste to the compost pile, then the sprinklers came on before I could bring out the second container. I made tea and we watched one episode of Quantum Leap. I fell asleep on the couch. But I woke up in time to help Chris make the bed with clean sheets. I stayed up to post to my blog.

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