Friday, July 16, 2021

Finding the right project

I got up about 7:30. I looked in my sample box for baby projects. I made lemon water, and watered plants in zones 2 thru 5. Zone 1 gets watered by the morning sprinkler so I water it later in the day. I read my book for half an hour outside. I turned on the router, and got dressed.

I read e-mail. I listened to day 9 of sleep challenge. I watched a video on DNA/RNA, how to sequence a viral genome (and how sarscov2 was pieced together from genetic material found in the lungs of one person). I checked the sewing album on my Facebook page, and pages on Pinterest. I downloaded some pics of baby projects.

I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire. Del interviewed a WHO whistleblower who said GAVI (founded by Gates) has inappropriate influence over the WHO.

I did more searching for easy baby projects. I listened to videos while piecing puzzles. I searched for and ordered a new battery charger for the lawn mower, plus other stuff on the list. I chose a stuffed sailboat. I sewed a sample and took a pic and posted it to the Dugway Facebook group as the Saturday project.

I went to the garden and fed the plants. I noticed a gopher mound. When I got home, I ate the last of the turkey soup and then made a salad. I also made tea and we watched two episodes of Quantum Leap. Then I listened to a comedy/activist video and pieced puzzles. Finally I paused it and posted to my blog so I could go to bed.

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