Thursday, July 22, 2021

Change of Command

The headphones worked fine, and I fell asleep. I woke up hearing Chris' phone ring in the middle of the night. Someone was reporting a power outage. He stayed up after that and I went back to sleep. I woke up at 7:30. I did the usual things. I grabbed a bandaid for my cut finger. But it turned out to be a butterfly bandaid so I had to find a piece of cotton to cover the wound.

I read outside for 15 minutes, then washed up and got dressed. I was watering plants when Chris came home to get me at 8:30. He drove me to his office. He introduced me to a bunch of people and I tried to make appropriate small talk. Then we went to the parade field to find our seats. Again, more handshaking and introductions. Even though I said each person's name after the introduction, after a short conversation, the name was gone.

Finally we sat and the program began. The Utah National Guard band played. Important people were introduced and gave speeches. The colorguard came forward and the local flag was passed around symbolizing the change of command. More speeches, then singing of Army songs. For some reason, I got weepy.

When it was over, Chris introduced me to more people, of all kinds of agencies that I never heard of. Then we walked to the community club where there was a reception for the new colonel. We stood in line to greet him and his family. Then we got snacks and made small talk.

Finally, we walked back to Chris' office building. He showed me some room that was recently fixed up like a museum to the tenants on post. He tried to explain what all the different commands do. Then we went home. I changed clothes and made breakfast. Chris made lunch and went back to work.

I read e-mail for some time. I also got the bread machine going. I read a really long article by Dr. Seneff about the ways mRNA vaccines could be harmful but that we haven't tested for. I went to the post office for mail. None. I checked the bread machine and discovered there was not enough liquid so I added some and restarted it. I wrote a check to Kurt and dropped it off at the post office on my way to the library. The library was open and I gave the book to Melissa and we talked for some time. I chose a book by Stuart Woods because they had so many of them.

Finally I left, and went home. Chris was already there. He was talking to Michele and handed me the phone. So I talked to her for some time. Then I had to go to the garden. I took two gallons of water. When I got there, I used most of it on the plants near the end of the hose. I also dug up the gopher trap which it had covered in dirt.

Jenni came by and we went walking. We stopped at her house to get some garden plants and drove to the garden. She gave me a zucchini and invited me to pick some of her lettuce, spinach and beet greens. We talked for awhile and then I got in my car and went home. I made a salad and ate while watching Quantum Leap. After the second episode, we went to bed. I got up later to finish my blog post. I read that the Red Cross needs blood donors, but those vaccinated cannot give plasma. I heard rain, so I put on a raincoat and ran outside to put up my car windows. Then I went to bed.

* First pic: handing the flag around to show the command is changing. Second pic: the old and new commanders meet as we all clap. You can see the big white cotton ball on my finger. *

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