Monday, September 13, 2021

9/11 Memorial

I got up about 8 hearing rain and wanting to check my car windows. I made lemon water. I checked e-mail and read articles. When I was about ready to make breakfast, Chris wanted to have a discussion. It went on for some time. But after that, I was able to have my meal.

But it put me off schedule. Chris wanted to leave at 4:30 for the 9/11 memorial in Grantsville. There would be no time for supper, so he asked if the chaplain and his wife would take me along when they left at 6:30. That worked much better for me.

I listened to several interviews and mowed here and there as needed. went to garden to fertilize. I saw a large hole in the soaker hose. Digging where the gophers had been, there were no potatoes. I went home, threw some plastic and tape in my car, then took a quick shower. I got dressed and had a bite for supper. Then I listened to Dr. Levy talk about vitamin C.

I locked the front door. I watered the outside plants. I sat down on a small bench, but not for long. They came in their truck and I got into the back seat of the crew cab. Eileen had her phone on GPS and we chatted as he drove, following her instructions. At first we were headed to SLC, but then turned off the main road and went through small neighborhoods and farms, finally arriving at Deseret Peak. But we couldn't find Chris. Turns out he was at the other end, where the speedway was. We parked and walked to the grandstand where we ran into Chris. The chaplain went toward the bandstand where the event would take place.

We sat with Eileen in the stands and waited for the show to begin. It started late because lighting was an afterthought. Once a brace of lights was in place, the memorial began. Men spoke, the chaplain prayed, there was singing and bagpipe playing. When the sheriff, mayor, and both commanders were done speaking, the fireworks began. Music was played alongside. Eileen left to join her husband and they went home. We stayed until the fireworks and music were over, then found our way to the parking lot to Chris' car.

We drove home through Tooele, playing the book on CD. I tried to sleep but the twists and turns of the road made it impossible. Back on base, we stopped at the post office and picked up two packages. One was a pendant and the other was supplements from Swansons. Then I sat at my laptop to blog. Later, I read a few pages, then retired for the night.

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