Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Processing greens

I read outside for awhile, then checked the traps. I dug up one mound, and watered the outdoor plants. I harvested some of the compost pile, and added it to the tomato plant. I found a cluster of sprouts growing so I picked some. I put Jenni's carrot greens in water to rehydrate.

I turned on the router and checked e-mail. A respiratory therapist said hospitals are full from lack of staff. But staff are threatened with firing if they don't get the jab and pass the jabs out to others.

I looked up several kinds of sprouts. Not sure what kind I had, but all the possibilities were edible so I ate them. I got some big jars and cut up all the kimchied nappa cabbages. It made three jars worth and I had trouble getting them into the fridge. I also grated up a big zucchini. I put some of it in the jar of pickle juice, and the rest in another jar. I topped that one off with kimchi to start a ferment.

I listened to a talk about the current vaccines. Michele called Chris. I checked the traps. I dug one out and reset it. I went to the garden to spread manure and compost. I watered the plants, pulled weeds, and came home. I changed into my bathing suit. I jotted notes for my blog, then went to the pool. I exercised with Jenni and Heather. Afterward, we toweled off and went to the parking lot. Heather gave me two bags of greens which Jenni had given her.

After some chatting, I went home and changed clothes. I laid the beet leaves and chard leaves out on the cot to dry. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of the Dr Blake Mysteries. I brushed my teeth and listened to the first episode of Vaccine Secrets: Covid Crises. I posted to my blog and went to bed. Spike is the part of Sarscov2 that causes covid. We don't know if the body ever stops producing the spike protein. At midnight, the internet shut down so I went to bed.

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