Friday, September 24, 2021

The campfire

Wednesday: I got up about 8, never hearing the alarm go off. I brushed and swished and took charcoal capsules. The test of the emergency warning system came early for some reason. Usually it is at 4. I turned on the CD player, and performed special exercises. Kurt started texting me about the car. I performed my special exercises, then meditated for an hour or so. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Finally I took a shower, and got dressed. I watered the plants, then read e-mail: Children have a very low expression of the ACE2 receptor. Along with previous exposure to corona viruses, they are effectively immune. Do not vaccinate them.

I walked to the post office to get the mail and put up the new Swap Shop sign. I got back before Retreat played and I was able to play with it. After Chris came home, I remembered to go to the library. When I got there, lots of cars were in the parking lot. I speculated that the PTSO was meeting in the ACS room. So I tiptoed past it to the library. But in fact, they were at the back of the library. I went to the DVD room to get the next season. Melissa found me there and struck up a conversation. I also got a book, checked it out, then snuck out of the library before anyone could invite me to the meeting.

Later, I walked to garden. Jenni arrived just as I did, coming from the PTSO meeting which broke up when the library closed at 7. We walked around the block. Then I picked ripening tomatoes and replaced the sheets over them.

I walked to the campsite where Chris was sitting with the group that invited us. The lady whose lot it was had everyone stand up and introduce themselves. Thankfully there was not a quiz afterward. I sat and watched the fire, listening to people talk, often about work. Chris was checking messages, which was a little distracting. But one of the group explained to me that Chris' job was like being hit by 200 things every hour and trying to keep it all running smoothly.

We went home in Chris' car. I put the tomatoes on the window sill. Chris went back for my coat, which I hadn't realized. Chris had brought there. I made tea and we watched one episode of Dr. Blake. I brushed teeth and checked e-mail. I wrote notes for today's post. I watched a video, the paused to post for yesterday.

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