Thursday, September 23, 2021

No potatoes after all that work

Tuesday: I got up around 8, having slept pretty well. The house was cold, so I turned on the heat. I took 5 capsules of charcoal, then read beside the Happylight. I turned on the router. I listened to James Corbett as I researched how to ferment turmeric. I made breakfast. Chris came home with a printed swap shop flyer for me. I ate and read e-mail, I dug up gopher mound and used up the last of the dog poo. I pounded up charcoal and put it in a bucket to soak.

I went to the garden to dig up sweet potatoes, but there were no potatoes under the ground. I trimmed off frozen parts of tomato plants. I went home for sheets and covered the tomato patch and the squash plants. I wished I had done it two nights ago.

At 4:30 I walked to the swap shop to put up a new flyer. But the old flyer was taped to the inside of the glass door and I hadn't the key to open it. So I walked home again, and put the key in the bag with the new flyer. Then I sat at my laptop and searched for the Zoom link for the quilt guild meeting. When I found it, the password did not work and I had to search messages to find the new one. But finally I was in. A woman from Canada who sounded Australian talked about a mini block swap. Then we had our regular business meeting and show-n-tell. Afterward, I chatted with two ladies and then the session was over.

Chris had come home and cooked ground beef and rice. I put some in a bowl with cheese. I started watching a video on stress when Jenni texted me that she was at the garden. So I threw on my shoes and drove over there. Diane walked up as I arrived. We walked around the block, talking as usual. Then I walked Diane to her street. I had intended to walk down to the pear and apple trees, but it was getting dark so I walked back to my car and drove there. I chose one apple and one pear. They were quite small. Then I went home.

I read e-mail for a bit, then made tea. We watched two episodes of Dr. Blake Mysteries. Then I brushed my teeth and wrote my blog post. I read from a book while listening to the mp3 headphones, then went to bed.

* This is from show-n-tell *

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