Thursday, September 30, 2021

Celebrating their contributions

Tuesday I got up late. I read outside in my bare feet. I watered the outdoor plants. As I was looking out the back window, I spied a new gopher mound. Then I realized there was a smaller one beside it, in progress! Needless to say, I went out and dealt with both. I found some in the front as well. I set traps and buried dog droppings to deter them.

I turned on my phone and the router. I read e-mail while sipping lemon water. My music buddy canceled our playdate due to a favor she was doing for a new family. Chris came to pick me up for the going-away luncheon. I quickly redressed and put on shoes. On the way we stopped at the post office to drop off some checks.

Not many people were there when we arrived at the ACS building. Tables and chairs were set up outside, even though it was a little windy. I talked to Rebecca, who is retiring at the end of this week. I spoked to others as well and then got in line. We had barbeque, potato salad and baked beans. I ate outside with Johnnie and asked her to water my plants at home while we are gone. Chris came and ate too. Rusty came by with brisket and then with marshmallow salad. After a while, there was an awards ceremony which Chris presided over, for both Rusty and Rebecca. I talked to Rusty and then Chris dropped me off at the post office. I mailed a manilla packet with estate papers, then walked home.

I deleted e-mail and listened to various people talk about mandates and such. I canceled the Vanco account as requested. I listened to a presentation about Sweden's covid response compared to the rest of the world. Injections are not being given properly. Some are inadvertantly intravenous instead of intramuscular.

I read more articles, looked into making HOCL. I also looked into fermenting tomatoes. I made a brine, and covered tomatoes, zucchini and garlic in a jar. I added a probiotic, then put it in the pantry to ferment.

I went to the garden with extra sheets and large rocks. I picked a few cherry tomatoes and covered the plants. I saw Jenni there, but she left pretty quickly so I don't think she saw me. I came home, put more rocks in the car, and put supper in the oven, When it came out, I started eating, but then the doorbell rang. It was Jenni, bringing me a prayer list from IHOP, International House of Prayer.

After she left, I ate supper. I listened to two women talk to Dr. Gold. I made tea. About 9 Chris came home from something at the capitol building in SLC. He changed clothes and asked me to dig a spine out of his big toe with a needle. Then we watched one episode of Person of Interest. When Taps played, I played along. I posted to my blog and read for half an hour with headphones on, then went to bed.

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