Monday, September 20, 2021

One of the many duties of the garrison manager

I made lemon water, then checked e-mail. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. While he took his shower, I made a pattern from my apron and threw it in the wash. Then I took a shower, and got dressed.

While I made breakfast, I listened to a presentation by Dr. Peter McCullough talking about the pandemic and how early treatment is discouraged, any kind of treatment was disparaged in favor of vaccines. Spike proteins have been found in the body 9 months after injection. There are no independent safety committies. The spike protein itself is deadly, as designed in the Wuhan gain-of-function lab. The injections are different and our agencies should be telling us which ones are safest and most effective for each age group. Moderna has 3x the dose of Pfizer. Mother Nature is mutating the virus to be less injurious although more infectious. Delta is mutating rapidly to avoid the antibodies from the vaccines. 80% of monoclonal antibody doses are going unused because few people know about them. Covid is easy to treat early, but far more difficult in the hospital.

Chris put two sewing machines in my car and after breakfast, we went to the chapel to set up for class. Diane arrived before I finished setting up. I got her started and the family with 4 kids arrived. The dad came as well, working on lining a cloak for his wife. The girls did not do great with cutting and sewing their straps, so I went behind them and evened things up a bit, spending lots of time with the seam ripper. Jenni and Diane worked with minimal supervision, tying up the sewing machines. So the girls did not finish by 4. They packed up and went home. Jenni helped me tidy up and pack up. We left together, about 4:30.

When I got home, Chris took the machines out of my trunk. I dug up a gopher hole, but could not find the tunnel to lay a trap. I finished listening to the presentation from earlier. Someone on the Dugway facebook page was selling a sewing machine. So I made an appt to go see it, thinking we could use another machine for class.

I started making up supplement doses for the next two weeks. I paused at 7 to go to the garden where I met Jenni and Diane. We went for our usual walk. But we stopped when we found a snake in the road. I called Chris who came over and relocated it. Then we finished our walk. I fertilized my garden and drove home.

I cut up a cucumber and made a salad. I ate it while looking at e-mail. I finished parsing out supplements, then made tea. We watched two episodes, then dressed the bed with clean sheets. I posted to my blog, read a few pages, and retired for the night.

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