Thursday, September 9, 2021

Busy day

I got up around 7:15. I brushed and swished and watered the plants. I washed up and got dressed. I went over to the vacant house to continue cleaning. Jamie brought over her clean burner bowls, but the large ones did not fit. I scrubbed the old ones with Soft Scrub and then with brillo pads. She swept out the garage and worked in the utility room. She had to go 10:30. I scrubbed more, always finding another spot or dog hair on the floor. Basically we did the floors and the sink and the utility room.

It was almost noon when I left, taking everything left with me. I left her burner bowls on her front porch . I went home and made breakfast. Chris came home from work for lunch. After eating, I packed my trombone and went to a playdate with Saronna. I held her baby while she cleaned up. Then she put him in the swing while we played. We paused when Faye called. Then we finished our playdate before school let out.

When I got home, two men were examining the sprinkler system, looking for leaks. After they left, I watched an interview with Dr's Stephanie Seneff and Judy M. They have some serious concerns about the jabs and how they work. Later, I went to Housing to make appt for inspection, then went to Jamie's house to pay her. I gave her half. Then I went to library to get DVD and a book.

Then I went to the Swap Shop to meet Jenni, but she called after I got there and said she wasn't coming. I took in the chair from the vacant house, and some floor lamps that someone left outside the SS door. I went to my trunk for other stuff, but it was dirty so I took it home to clean. I washed the stuff, and ate supper. I checked the numbers that Faye sent me.

Jenni texted that she was ready. So I went over there and we walked around the block. Then we went to the Swap Shop. She picked out some tops. From there, I went home for the thumb drive that was found at the vacant house. I delivered it to a friend of the former residents. Then I went to the garden to give extra water and some ferment to the plants.

When I got hoe, I ate a corn cob, and made tea. We watched two episodes of Person of Interest. Afterward, I brushed and swished, and listened to episode 9 of Covid Secrets: vaccines are very lucrative for pediatricians. They get remunerated (from the govt?) beyond what parents pay. I posted to my blog for yesterday, read a few pages, then went to bed.

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