Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Found my watch

I slept well, but still didn't want to get up in the morning. We got up at quarter to nine. I went outside to water plants and such. Then I read for a bit, not sure how long because I left my watch at the pool. Chris gave me a massage and we each took a shower. I got dressed for church, made spice mix, then read e-mail until time to go.

We drove to the chapel. As we entered, we picked up communion packets (a wafer and tiny bit of juice). The high school band director played his guitar for the songs. The chaplain gave the sermon on David and Goliath. After the service, we talked to the other people there. I walked out with Eileen.

Then we went to the gym. I asked the man at the desk if we could go to the pool area to look for my watch. He said yes, and gave me a towel to hold the door open. I didn't understand at first. But he and Chris walked through the men's locker room so I walked through the women's locker room and there was a door to the pool area. I placed the towel so the door could not shut. I looked through the grass near the lounge chairs. But Chris spotted it first. Successful, we each went back through the locker rooms and thanked the man and returned the towel.

When we got home, I changed clothes and made breakfast. I read e-mail and listened to some interviews. I got a bag of frozen blueberries and they disappeared mysteriously. At 4, I put the rest away, and went outside to dig gopher mounds. I set both traps and buried some dog droppings.

At 4:45, I went to the garden. I watered the plants from the five gallon bucket. I walked toward Jenni's house and met her coming my way. We walked around the block together. Then I walked back to the garden. Jenni said I could pick her bok choi and spinach so I got some and drove to the vacant house to spray the stove hood for tomorrow. Then I went home.

Chris had cooked corn, so I ate one cob. I also had some protein from the fridge. I finished an interview and watched the next episode of Covid Secrets. I posted class pics to the Dugway 24/7 page. Then I made tea and we watched 3 or four episodes of Bureau of Magical Things. Afterward, we made the bed and I posted to my blog.

Jenni did her own thing on Saturday

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