Sunday, September 26, 2021

So many books, so little time

Friday: I got up around 8, having slept fairly well. I brushed and swished. I checked e-mail. I made seed crackers. Michele called to ask about the mileage on the Oldsmobile. I called William and then Kurt, then reported back to Michele. I went to the garden to remove the sheets from the tomato and squash plants. Chris left to get his car and go to the funeral for Curt.

I laid out in the sun to take my vitamins and sip bone broth. I ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I put on my suit and tried laying outside again, but the bugs drove me in. I posted to my blog for Wednesday. At 2 I entered a zoom call with Vicki. The call lasted 45 minutes, and there was nothing we couldn't have said in a quick e-mail.

I called Johnnie to see if it was a good time to come over. She said yes, so I put on shoes and grabbed my ahjima cart. When I got there, she was standing outside to shoo away the birds which had built a nest over her door. She guided me to her diningroom table which was covered in stacks of quilt books which she was downsizing. She said Jenni had already been there and taken 100 books. Then Johnnie sat and stitched hexagons as I looked through the books. William and Kurt each called once.

Around 6:30 I finished choosing books (no more than 50) and loaded them in my rolly cart. I thanked her and walked home. Chris was home already. I ate some leftovers from the fridge, then put on walking shoes and went to the garden. Diane had just gotten there. So she and I walked around the block. As we passed Jenni's house, she came out to walk. We walked back to the garden. Diane went home. I got a jacket out of my car and walked around the block again with Jenni. She went home and I put some fertilizer in the milk jugs at the garden. Then I went home, too.

I got back about 8. I made tea and put away the seed crackers. Then we watched the last episode of Dr. Blake and the first one of the next season of Person of Interest. Afterwared, I listened to the rest of an interview with Dr. Peter Mccullough. Then I jotted some notes for today and wrote up yesterdays events.

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