Sunday, September 26, 2021

A shortage of distilled water?

Saturday: We slept in late. Chris turned on the router so I started reading e-mail. Then I watched videos while piecing puzzles. Midmorning, somebody called which interrupted me. Then I asked Chris for a coconut oil massage. Afterward, he showered while I started breakfast, then I showered and dressed.

I ate breakfast while checking Facebook. A lady from post messaged me asking for a wreath class. I stopped by Johnnie's house for just a few minutes to drop off some cherry tomatoes and the black ties that Chris borrowed. (I can't believe he doesn't have one of his own). Then Chris packed the cooler and we headed to Tooele.

I fell asleep on the way to Tooele, but woke up before we got there. I had to ask Chris what happened in the story on CD while I was out. Then we shopped at Luckeys. They did not have distilled water. We went to the farm stand and I got some beets. Then I went to Melanie's, and finally Cal Ranch for pruners. Our last stop was Maceys' and they did not have distilled water either. We headed back to base.

Chris stopped at the commissary, but again, no distilled water. He also stopped at the post office. I found two packages waiting. I thought one was from Faye, but it had a different name on it. We went home, and put food away. I cut up the watermelon from last week and put most of the pieces in a plastic tub. I ate the rest and sliced up the rind for the compost pile. I made a salad, and listened to an interview with a Marine officer. He says the vaccine is mandated, but Comirnaty (the approved vaccine) will not be available until 2023 so the mandate is illegal. Religious exemptions are being denied. Mandate is illegal, immoral and unconstitutional. He is part of a group pursuing legal action.

I drove to the garden a few minutes early, but Diane was already there. Jenni wasn't, so I picked ripening tomatoes and gave the bag to Diane. Then the two of us went walking, chatting as we went. We passed Jenni's house, but she didn't come out. So when we got back to the garden, Diane went home. I stayed to fertilize the plants, then drove home. I watered the plants in the flowerbed, then went inside. I listened to Stew Peters interview, then made tea and watched Person of Interest with Chris. I looked at Biden memes way too long, then posted to my blog. I read a book and went to bed.

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