Thursday, May 5, 2022

A pineapple sucess!


I got up around 8. I don't think I had to get up during the night. I brushed and swished. I did my exercises and had a reasonable coffee morning. Afterward I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms, although it was not a good job on the bathrooms. I took a shower and got dressed. I washed dishes, then walked to the post office for the mail and a package.

I made more spice mix. I noticed one of the pineapple tops had rooted. I took it to Jenni's house. She wasn't home so I left it there. I walked with Michelle and listened to her talk until almost 5:30. I felt like little bugs were crawling on my head.

I worked outside in the yard. I inoculated several gallons of water with LAB and spread it on the lawn. I topped off other ferments. I broke down boxes and put them in recycling and rolled the bin out to the curb.

I started watching This Week with Mary and Polly. Around 7 I switched to Propaganda Exposed. One of the things they mentioned was the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 states that the state department can propagandize foreign countries, but cannot release such propaganda material in the U.S. The act of 2012 repeals the prohibition on the use of propaganda domestically. It was buried in the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama. This means it is now legal for our gov't to lie to the people.

I talked to Chris, then went back to the docuseries. When it ended, I finished listening to Mary and Polly. I paused that at 11 to hit the hay.

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