Saturday, May 7, 2022

The garden gala


I got up about 8:30, not having slept well. Hot flashes, etc. I brushed and swished. I picked some fresh dandelion heads to add to my collection. I weighed them in grams and added half that in brown sugar. I put it in the mud room to ferment. I checked the worms and found more moths. Not sure how they got in there.

I turned on my phone. There were two messages from Chris. He was on the airplane waiting for take-off. I spiked six gallons of water with LAB and put lids on. I posted my sewing class to the Dugway facebook page. I called Faye. She was doing well, but still with Asha.

I took the six gallons of water and drove to the gardens. People were already there, pulling weeds and working the soil. I talked to a man standing by my plot and throwing tumbleweeds over the fence. George and I talked for some time. I went to the other end of the gardens to see what the experts were doing. One from Utah State was going to give a talk about irrigation and corn. But two important people hadn't shown up yet. Waiting for them threw the agenda off. It was hard to get people assembled once they started on their own plots. I heard his first talk, but missed his second one on planting tomatoes.

They started cooking hotdogs for lunch. I talked with other people, then raked some furrows in my plot and watered them with LAB. I chose not to pull the weeds. The man I played chess with came by. He had an irrigation system he wasn't going to use, so I said I could use one. He went home and got it. He set the main part up and told me how to use it.

When it was time for dessert, the lady in charge did not have utensils, so I drove home and got a scoop and pie server. I met Chris just getting home from the airport. I ran back to give the utensils to the lady. Chris showed up a little later. I tried to get water for my plot but the timer was stuck on. A man came over and got it loose. Another man came over and used a battery-powered weedeater on my garden (at my request). The only plant in it was a kale plant and strawberry plant that Jenni did not want from her garden.

By then it was 1:30. I went home to eat breakfast and check e-mail. I called Chris and he came home so we could prepare for our trip. We went to Tooele and shopped. We got back too late to walk. Chris tried to start the large mower and had no luck either. I got out the mower and mowed all of the yard between us and Melissa. There were a lot of sticks and tumbleweeds to push out of the way. Then I did part of the yard on the other side.

I ate leftovers for supper. I jotted notes for today and posted for yesterday. We watched three episodes of Gomer Pyle. Chris gave me quite an education on the ribbons Sgt Carter was wearing, and then Chris' ribbons, and ribbon etiquette. I started listening to Propaganda Exposed, then paused it and went to bed.

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